RHYC and Cruising Association Winter Programme 2025

Winter Talks: From October to March the Royal Harwich, in collaboration with the Cruising Association, present a series of talks on a wide variety of nautical topics for members and their guests.

Most of those attending the talks also choose to enjoy a sociable chat over a meal. However if you wish to attend just for the talk, you are also welcome. 

Talk Times:

Saturdays: Doors open at 18:00, Dinner at 18:45, Talk at 20:00.  

Thursdays: Doors open at 11:00, Talk at 11:30, Lunch at 13:00.  

Booking: All places for these events must be booked and paid for in advance. Booking will open about six weeks before each event and close a few days before the event.

Bookings  may be made on the events page of this website.

For the latest information on the Events click here to visit the CA Suffolk Website

or cut and paste this ULR into your browser:  https://www.theca.org.uk/events/list/270

We do hope that you will enjoy the talks over the coming Winter Season.

Calling all Photographers!

The time has come to select your best photos of the 2024 sailing season and to enter them in our very popular CA Suffolk-RHYC Photo Competition. Please note the entry deadline: midnight on Friday 31st January 2025.

To find out more click here.

RHYC – CA Suffolk Section Committee:

Simon and Georgette Harrison, Tim Daley, Fred Ellis, Ian Feavers, Bram Van der Have, Dennis and Anne Kell

Contact: suffolk@theca.org.uk