Junior Saturday Sailing

RHYC Junior Sailing is hugely popular, and we offer a wide range of training opportunities to include evening training sessions, Saturday sessions, Junior Training Week and Junior Race Week. The club has a fleet of Optibats, Toppers, RS Feva’s, RS Zest’s, Wayfarers and an RS Vision which are all used for Junior Sailing. 
Saturday Sessions

These are fun sessions aimed to coach all junior sailors for RYA Level 2 upwards. The sessions loosely follow the RYA Onboard syllabus but our focus is on the sessions being as fun and encouraging as possible. These sessions are tailored to the students’ needs rather than focusing on gaining certification. 

As well as regular coaching we also mix in Fun Days, Away Days, Summer/Christmas parties and more. There is great comradery among participants and many lifelong friends are made. 

All classes are welcome, and we pride ourselves on coaching across the full range of dinghies. Participants are encouraged to bring their own boats where possible to the Saturday sessions, ensuring the least experienced can use club boats.  

The Junior Sailing sessions are very popular and in previous years have been fully subscribed. 

Groups are typically split between the following levels:

• Onboard 1 – L3 ability. Able to sail a triangle and build confidence to sail in different directions in moderate conditions

• Onboard 2 – L2 ability. Able to sail around a course, tacking, gybing and controlling boat speed

• Race Group/ Youth – Developing racing and seamanship skills

To join Junior Sailing get in touch with the office. Sailors need to be members and have an RYA Level 2 qualification. This can be gained at RHYC via our dedicated Junior Training Weeks. 

Upon acceptance to Junior Sailing, you will be sent a link and invited onto SPOND. This is our booking and communication App for all Junior Sailing.  

We encourage people to book as many sessions as possible in advance, as we need to in turn book all instructors and rescue boats for the number of participants. This also helps us ensure we have consistent participants and instructors, aiding children’s progression. 

Saturday Junior Sailing is entirely run by volunteers and in turn we ask all parents or guardians to arrive with wellies to help launch and recover children and to volunteer to instruct (if qualified), be in rescue boats and help manage duties ashore for the smooth running of the sessions. It really is a case of what you put in, the children get out of it, so the more involved parents can be the better for all. We have many opportunities for parents to gain safety boat driving qualifications and train as Assistant Instructors and Dinghy Instructors. Please get in touch with the office for more details.

Day Duty DateStart Time TideEvent
Sat05/04/202509:0011:51Junior Sailing 1of12
Sat12/04/202512:0012:49Junior Sailing 2of12
Sat10/05/202510:0011:43Junior Sailing 3of12
Sat17/05/202511:0015:30Junior Sailing 4of12
Sat07/06/202509:0010:18Junior Sailing 5of12
Sat14/06/202513:0014:43Junior Sailing 6of12
Sat28/06/202513:0014:52Junior Sailing 7of12
Sat12/07/202513:0013:53Junior Sailing 8of12
Sat06/09/202510:0011:46Junior Sailing 9of12
Sat13/09/202514:0016:34Junior Sailing 10of12
Sat21/09/202510:0011:56Junior Sailing 11of12
Sat18/10/202509:0010:43Junior Sailing 12of12
Junior Training Sessions
Junior Training Weeks

Junior Training Week (1)

Monday 14 April to Thursday 17 April

Junior Training Week (2)

Monday 11 August to Friday 15 August

Junior Training Week (3)

Monday 27 October to Friday 31 October

Junior Race Week

Saturday 23rd August – Weds 27th August

Adults assisting with Launch / Recovery:

Wellington Boots or Waders! (No bare feet please).


Junior sailing at RHYC is only made possible thanks to volunteers. If you’re able to help with rescue boat cover, shore party duty or instructing then do let us know on the app.

A quote from a parent:

“Just wanted to drop you a note to say how good the On Board is at RHYC. I spoke to the office yesterday who were very happy to roll the payment for the unattended session the other day to the next one and over all they are great to deal with.  We’re finding the whole experience friendly, organised, safe, value for money and fun and the location is great too.” 

What you will need:

  • Buoyancy Aid ( ISO 12402-5)
  • Wetsuit – please ensure this fits properly
  • Spray Top or thin windproof jacket and windproof over trousers
  • Sailing boots or shoes (please no Crocs or Flip Flops)
  • Woolly or Sun Hat
  • Suncream
  • Water Bottle
  • Gloves (optional)
  • Towel and a change of clothing

Adults on RIB’s:

  • Warm layers
  • Buoyancy Aid
  • Footwear and trousers that can get wet