
The Royal Harwich Yacht Club are committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment. 

Our environmental sub-committee assists the club in researching and implementing solutions to a wide range of areas that could  enhance the club’s approach to sustainability and the environment. From energy efficiency and supply to waste and recycling, education and our local wildlife, the committee meet four times a year to discuss how the club can improve across all areas. 

Members of the Environmental Sub-Committee are: 

  • Jackie McKellar (Chair)
  • Mark Dean
  • Polly Fairbanks
  • Sian Goodman
  • Helena Scott-Negus

Look out for the green lion in our newsletters and online for updates, insights and practical tips. If you have any 

comments or suggestions please contact the Environmental Sub-Committee at office.manager@royalharwich.co.uk

– To read more about our achievements and future goals please scroll down.

–  See our environmental policy here.

– For further resources about how you can take a responsible approach to sailing please scroll down.


Since February 2022 the committee have put in place the following measures to help towards the club’s sustainability: 

  •  Installation of 109 Solar Panels on the roof of the club
  •  Instigated a detailed carbon footprint report for the club
  •  fitted hose elements to reduce water wastage on the slipway
  •  reduced electricity usage through installing smart meters and revising existing equipment timings and temperatures. 
  •  reinvigorated club recycling schemes and increased members ability to be able to recycle around the club with two 
  •  new bins kindly constructed by members Marcus Bucknall & Nigel Martin
  •  new policy regarding antifouling on club premises incorporated into the Laying Up Scheme Guidelines


  •  To continue to explore energy saving measures with existing systems
  •  To examine sustainability of future capital projects
  •  To continue to educate membership

Images: Yellow Flag Iris growing wild near the club, bee loving ceanothus, the marina at sunset and new recycling bins. 

Antifouling Guidelines – Protect, Collect, Dispose

With a run of bank holiday weekends upon us, many of you will be turning your thoughts to launching soon and the need to antifoul in preparation. The RYA’s Green Blue organisation & the British Coatings Federation offer helpful guidelines to encourage everyone to be mindful of the environment when carrying out this seasonal chore: 
Protect the ground under your boat – use a tarpaulin and drip trays – wear PPE
Collect any drips, spills and debris
Dispose of all contaminated items and paint legally into hazardous waste bins
Our top tip from a member is if you are sanding down first – use a sander with vacuum bag.

You can see a helpful video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E1hw_xHfV8&t=25s
There are also an increasing number of antifoul alternatives which you can read about here: https://cleansailors.com/blogs/notes-on-the-ocean/antifouling-things-we-should-know-about-treating-our-bottoms
If you have any other tips, suggestions or alternative antifoul feedback we’d love to hear from you. Please email: pollyfairbanks@icloud.com


There are a range of readily available online resources to help us all sail more responsibly. Here is our selection of websites and articles: 


  • Last Update: 2024-09-20 09:17:48
    Current Power
    8.7 kW
    Generation Figures
    Today: 9.57 kWh
    This Month: 2.59 MWh
    This Year: 35.61 MWh
    Lifetime: 46.44 MWh