Social Events

Club Diaries

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There is a wide range of interesting and fun social activities going on at the Royal Harwich Yacht Club – its not all about sailing! 

The Royal Harwich Social Committee sets out to provide:

• Dinners to celebrate the start and end of the sailing season;

• In partnership with the Cruising Association we have an array of winter talks on either Friday or Saturday nights, some are on a Thursday morning

• We have our President’s dinner, a formal black-tie event with a guest speaker.

• During the winter months there is an art group which meets monthly and allows other members to view, and possibly purchase, their works at their exhibition, held at the Club.  For further information or if you would like to join please see their separate webpage: Art Group


• Plus, there is an array of social gatherings, from the more serious, but fun, do you know your rules evening, to a cheese tasting. Pictured below is a game of heads and tails at the start of our Ukraine  fundraising event which saw a broad spectrum of membership having a great evening raising important funds.

• The Club’s annual Regatta, consisting of activities on and off the water happens in August each year.

• Then of course the children are delighted to greet Santa when he arrives at the Club, bearing gifts, aboard his water sleigh in December:

40 children plus parents enjoyed Santa’s visit to the Club on Saturday, 11th December. He arrived by boat and then handed out presents which were followed by games, a buffet lunch, a film and ice creams. A great time was had by all”.

We cater for everything from a BBQ to a 100th Birthday Party – come and join us!